by EcoSafety Ltd | Nov 15, 2018 | EcoSafety Ltd, Health and Safety
The HSE recently published details on annual fatality statistics and would there be any surprises? To cut to the chase – not really! Is the data depressing? Absobloodylutely! It is primarily us safety geeks and a few doom & gloom safety dinosaurs that actually...
by EcoSafety Ltd | Oct 22, 2018 | EcoSafety Ltd, Health and Safety
We have a new video up, online. Directors Helen and James Shepherd talk about who Ecosafety is and the process they take to make Ecosfety Ltd work for you and your business. Get in contact with us to find out how we can help you and your business tackle Health and...
by EcoSafety Ltd | Sep 28, 2018 | EcoSafety Ltd, Health and Safety
This week I attended a Health & Safety Awareness Training session run by a very large organisation who operate in a very high risk sector. I must embarrassingly confess that sadly I set off with the normal perception that this was to be yet another doom and gloom...
by EcoSafety Ltd | Sep 7, 2018 | EcoSafety Ltd, Health and Safety
In a recent court case in USA the agrochemical giant Monsanto was ordered to pay £225 million to a school groundskeeper who sued them after he developed terminal cancer. The groundsman claimed it was his frequent exposure to the Monsanto product Roundup, the most...